Coach and Leadership Development Expert.


Welcome Me to Me

The Welcome Me to Me Journey

The brand name ‘Welcome Me to Me’ was created in 2017. I had mulled over what to call this business since 2014, when finally, I decided that I would drive my destiny and own my specialist career in anything and everything people related, as well as, corporate offerings. After all, only my limited beliefs prevented me from doing this earlier. Like many, I have been on a journey of self-discovery. The realisation of the brand name was born when I understood that for me, to be a pillar to my family, friends, society, and even within my career, I had to ‘welcome me to me’.

Fast forward many years later, and I am living my dream career, dealing with amazing clients and individuals. Having spent many years in corporate Human Resources, across multiple industries, I realised that the only constants are people and change. For individuals and organisations to be successful, it is important for employees to be able to step into their unique talents. Once a person is true to themselves, they contribute more and are more excited about the future of the company, and their individual prospects. It is my passion to unlock that excitement in organisations and individuals.

What do we offer?

In my coaching practice, I work with a model called The Whole Sum©. This model was created with systems psychology being a core contributor. I also specialise in continuums© and spectrums. I have created models relating to how, if you understand where you are on the continuum and spectrum, your role, and the organisational goals, become more aligned. Examples of these continuums and spectrums include, to name a few, trust, engagement, decision-making and relationships. Some of my other models include The Good Mirror© and Stepping Into Your Brave Shoes©.

In most instances, I follow the Japanese philosophy Genchi Genbutsu, meaning that I go to the source, that real place (gemba), and observe. I immerse myself in organisations to hear the different versions of truth. Having been in the people field for more than 20 years, I pride myself on connecting the dots and seeing the unseeable. This is referenced by my previous colleagues. As I espouse systems theory, I am able to strike a fine balance of working holistically within organizations. I am passionate about a lot of things. If I pinpoint this down to an organisational passion, it is getting people to shift against the norm – whether it is careers, change to technology or even, personal circumstances.

As an Executive coach, I focus on intentional listening skills. The unsaid is as important as much as the said.

I do research in various fields and therefore, develop copyright models that are used to assist individuals and organisations. Because of my competitive nature, I enjoy pushing boundaries to challenge convention and prefer to use research to challenge a normative view.

In Your Corner

On a personal level, you might find yourself facing difficulties that directly impact your professional life. Perhaps you’re struggling to align your personal goals with the objectives of your organisation, creating a sense of disconnect and frustration. The pressure of making important decisions can feel overwhelming, leaving you in search of clarity and direction.

Additionally, you might be grappling with the Imposter Phenomenon, where self-doubt and a lack of confidence overshadow your achievements. In a high-stress environment, developing resilience and emotional regulation becomes crucial, yet challenging, as you navigate the complexities of both your personal and professional lives.

Coaching Ireland

Backing Your Career

In the professional sphere, you may feel stuck in your career, uncertain about how to move forward and achieve your aspirations. Adapting to changes in technology or evolving work processes can be daunting, especially when the pace of change outstrips your ability to keep up.

Trust issues within your team or organisation might erode your confidence and hinder collaboration, making it difficult to work effectively with others. Navigating corporate politics often feels like a constant battle, leaving you drained and disheartened. Moreover, fostering engagement and maintaining positive relationships at work can seem increasingly challenging as you try to balance competing demands and expectations.

Take Inspiration Form Susan

Susanne P. was once in a similar position, struggling with both personal and professional challenges. She felt stuck in her career, overwhelmed by the rapid changes in her industry, and unsure of how to move forward. Personal difficulties spilled over into her work life, making it hard for her to align her personal aspirations with the goals of her organisation. The corporate environment felt like a minefield, with trust issues within her team exacerbating her sense of isolation and uncertainty. To make matters worse, Susanne was plagued by the Imposter Phenomenon, which led her to question her abilities and doubt her accomplishments.

However, Susanne’s story took a transformative turn when she decided to seek the support of a coach. Through tailored coaching sessions, she gained the clarity and confidence she needed to overcome her challenges. Susanne learnt how to manage stress more effectively, trust her own instincts, and navigate the complexities of her work environment with greater ease. She also discovered strategies to align her personal and professional goals, allowing her to find renewed purpose and satisfaction in her career. Today, Susanne thrives in a role she loves, with her personal and professional lives finally in harmony, proving that with the right support, it’s possible to turn things around and achieve the fulfilment you deserve.

Services we offer

Leadership Coaching

Individual coaching session where we use various models and tools. We ensure that your leadership toolbox is filled with solutions to implement.


Simone is an experienced keynote speaker for conferences, virtual seminars, or company specific with a presentation aligned to target audience.


We conduct research which is used to highlight how latent issues within an organisation prevents change of behaviour, improved productivity, and positive culture.

Your Growth Starts Here

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“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”

John Quincy Adams

Enabling you to thrive in all aspects of leadership through self-analysis, development, and authenticity.

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